Karori Normal School

Board of Trustees


The Board of Trustees of Karori Normal School is focused on the ongoing improvement of student progress and achievement. To ensure effective school performance, the board is committed to maintaining a strong and effective governance framework that incorporates legislative requirements and good practice.


2024 Board Minutes

Latest Board Survey 2023


Enhancing student achievement is the board’s focus. The board is proactive rather than reactive in its operations and decision making, and does not involve itself in the day-to-day administrative details of running the school. 


The board is entrusted to work on behalf of all stakeholders and is accountable for the school’s performance. It emphasises strategic leadership, sets the vision for the school and ensures that it complies with legal and policy requirements. 


Policies are at a governance level and outline clear delegations to the principal. The board and principal form the leadership team with the role of each documented and understood. The principal reports to the board as a whole with committees used to facilitate the board fulfilling its role. 


The Karori Normal School Policies guide the operation of the school and provide the framework within which the procedures are formulated and carried out. These policies show our commitment to the National Administration Guidelines for sound school governance and management practices involving curriculum, planning and self-review, employment, finance and property, health and safety and legal compliance. 

KNS School Policies and Procedures


KNS uses SchoolDocs to host our policies and procedures and to assist us with the process of ongoing review.


You can view our policies on SchoolDocs using the login information below.:


Username:             kns

Password:               donaldst



The Board may be contacted at bot@kns.school.nz

BOT Meetings 2024:

• Tuesday 27 February

• Tuesday 26 March

• Tuesday 14 May

• Tuesday 25 June

• Tuesday 23 July (only if needed)

• Tuesday 13 August

• Tuesday 17 September

• Tuesday 22 October

• Tuesday 3 December.


The Board of Trustees members are:

Simon Johnson - Chair

Rosemary Mose

Natalie Vaughan-Sanders

Blair Wightman

Rohan Biggs

Nathan Smith

James Appleton - Acting Principal

Jacqueline Croft - Staff Rep